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Atriz da série "Pose" é a primeira transexual a estampar capa da "Elle"

Indya Moore tem conquistado espaço e visibilidade no meio artístico nos Estados Unidos

Indya Moore é a primeira transgênero a estampar capa da revista Elle | Foto: Reprodução / Instagram / CP

A série "Pose" foi a primeira produção da televisão americana a ter um elenco, na sua maioria, com atores LGBTQ. Colocando em prática a política de que a representatividade importa, especialmente quando é para retratar uma história que lhe convém. 

O programa mostra o universo transgênero de Nova Iorque nos anos 1980, onde nascia o movimento "voguing" nas boates clandestinas, onde aconteciam os famosos "bailes", em que o público desfilava sempre sob uma temática e exibiam looks fabulosos e extravagantes. 

Além da série ter ganhado o seu reconhecimento, o elenco também tem se destacado como é o caso da atriz Indya Moore.  Aos 24 anos, ela é a primeira mulher transgênero a estampar a capa da revista Elle. 


We don't always have access to the tools we need to break wall, break ground & Reconstruct space invading infrastructure that is designed homogenously & exclusively. so many of us use our hands, arms legs & feet, have died in the process too, Just to weaken these infrastructures enough so that people with tools and break them. I am so grateful for them- all the trans and gender non-conforming people who have attacked these walls, chipped and even broke part of and so much the infrastructure down with bare fist and foot. I am so grateful for everyone within the infrastructures who have chosen to listen, watched, stepped out to see the people around these structures that have been marginalized and locked out for having different experiences & have helped to break down these structures of priviledge and take that labor from those who die because of a lack of access, and fall short of visibility because of lack of access & safety... There is so much more work to do- so much more listening so much more intentionality, & vindicational work that must be done for marginalized people. ELLE: @elleusa Editor in Chief: Nina Garcia @ninagarcia Photographer: Zoey Grossman @zoeygrossman Stylist: Charles Varenne @charlesvarenne Hair: Hos Hounkpatin @hoshounkpatin Makeup: Vincent Oquendo @makeupvincent Manicure: Marisa Carmichael @marisacarmichael

Uma publicação compartilhada por IAM (@indyamoore) em

Vestindo Louis Vuitton, marca que a escolheu como embaixadora, a atriz será dona da edição de junho, no qual vem sob o título de "I just want be free" (Eu apenas quero ser livre, em tradução livre). 


@elleusa @ninagarcia Thank you for choosing @alphajada . she made my heart sing my truth for hoursbin a way I could barely feel labor from- something about her made me feel the safest i've felt yet in an interview to be so vulnerable- She listened patiently and with love. With every scene of my life that I shared I saw her in her eyes experience it with me. She accompanied me to the pharmacy after hanging out with me at my fitting for the Paley fest with @iancogneato, went with me to a pharmacy to cop my hormones & then sat with me in a restaurant at like 3 am cus we was both mad hungry and held so much space for my shock of noticing my ex- who I later realized wasn't my ex after all. She was there for me like a friend i knew for years but also like a safe stranger I met and of whom we were getting to know each other. It was a healing interview- and i never thought something like that could be possible, I hope @alphajada & I can still be friends. @zoeygrossman GURL. the way you shot me to life is gagworthy and gagconic. The way you trusted me made me trust you. Our relationship through your camera was so personal and intimate and synergetic.. when I explained to you what my prime lighting was & when I told you i was afraid of my complexion being whited out, you listened intently. You saw me how I see myself, And reflected that in our photos. Thank you for making me feel beautiful and giving me the space to channel that . @makeupvincent & @hoshounkpatin I love you guys so much and am so grateful you flew out to LA for me for this project. You manifested a cunt fish and gag and made it hair and makeup, thank you Both for being so helpful present loving and sincerely dedicated to make me look right. ELLE: @elleusa Editor in Chief: Nina Garcia @ninagarcia Photographer: Zoey Grossman @zoeygrossman Stylist: Charles Varenne @charlesvarenne Hair: Hos Hounkpatin @hoshounkpatin Makeup: Vincent Oquendo @makeupvincent Manicure: Marisa Carmichael @marisacarmichael

Uma publicação compartilhada por IAM (@indyamoore) em

Na entrevista, Indya falou sobre a importância da visibilidade trans, conquistada através do seu trabalho em "Pose". Além de ter este reconhecimento, a jovem também esteve presente no requisitado baile Met. 

Indya no baile Met nessa segunda-feira. Foto: Angela Weiss / AFP / CP 

No Instagram, a jovem falou sobre as paredes que precisam ser quebradas e relembrou de muitas pessoas trans que lutaram para que ela pudesse desfrutar do espaço que tem hoje. "Há muito mais trabalho a fazer - muito mais ouvir, muito mais intencionalidade, e trabalho que deve ser feito para pessoas marginalizadas", escreveu. 


thank you @ninagarcia for choosing me to be your cover of june. this is an immense honor. im still taking it in. It's extremely overwhelming. I appreciate you for leaning into me, knowing the future i stand for & by covering me for june- acknowledging the way I utilize my platform to uphold those values & this vision. It's so Revolutionary to have someone like be your cover star. Especially as june approaches i'm thinking about the stone wall anniversary and how many black and brown queer people have died so queerness and gender variant/trans experiences can be humanized. We have come so far and I am so thankful that something about me or my community opened your eyes to us in the ways it has that resulted in my feature. There is still more work to do and everyday, and in nearly every conversation I hold I am thinking about ways to access people who are not systemically marginalized to inform them enough so that the burdeon doesn't always fall on marginalized black brown queer and gender variant peoples backs to free ourselves from chains we did not create. We still have a long way to go. Queerness doesn't seem always ok to exist unless it entertaintains the non queer majority- Gender variant and transness doesn't always seem to be okay when it doesn't entertain the non gendervariant /trans majority and black/brownness doesn't seem to be okay when it isn't entertaining the non black and brown majority. This june- I hold a very personal and special, celebratory pride for my intersectional identities and the ways those who don't or may not share those identity experiences take part in celebrating them too. ELLE: @elleusa Editor in Chief: Nina Garcia @ninagarcia Photographer: Zoey Grossman @zoeygrossman Stylist: Charles Varenne @charlesvarenne Hair: Hos Hounkpatin @hoshounkpatin Makeup: Vincent Oquendo @makeupvincent Manicure: Marisa Carmichael @marisacarmichael

Uma publicação compartilhada por IAM (@indyamoore) em

Lou Cardoso